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School Uniform and Equipment

Boys and Girls

Hats / caps are not allowed to be worn on school premises.

  • Black blazer with GCA badge – This must be worn at all times and should not be kept in a school bag.
  • Plain white shirt with collar
  • Greig City Academy tie
  • Plain black tailored (loose fitting) trousers, not denims or leggings
  • V-necked jumper, charcoal grey with a blue striped collar
  • Plain black leather, flat shoes; not trainers/plimsolls or canvas shoes
  • Socks or tights, plain black
  • Religious headwear, plain black only
  • Plain black shower-proof jacket or coat – no body warmers – no logos
  • Plain black belt
  • If wearing a skirt, plain black, straight or pleated (knee length)
  • Plain black hair bands
  • No false/ acrylic nails or coloured nail polish
  • No dyed hair or weaves, natural colour only
  • No plastic beads or metal bands in hair
  • No coloured contact lenses
  • No make-up or false eyelashes
  • Only one set of studs in the lower earlobe
  • No facial piercings
  • One ring and a watch permitted, no other visible jewellery
  • No tramlines or patterns cut into the hair or eyebrows

Please note: All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. If students wish to have their ears pierced they should do so during the summer holidays to allow time to heal.

For the first half term and the whole of the summer term the jumper is an optional item of uniform. It must however be worn from the October half term up to the Easter holiday.

You can buy our school uniform from:

Divine Solutions

3 Northumberland Park

London N17 0TA

Tel: 020 8216 9113

Please ask for the Greig City uniform and take note of our school trouser and shoes policy detailed above.

P.E. Kit

The PE kit can be purchased from Divine Solutions - details as above. 

The compulsory kit and optional items can be viewed in the document in the left hand column of this page.

Compulsory kit

T shirt



Plain white sports socks



A choice of one trouser from:

Girls' leggings

Ladies' leggings

Stadium pants

Skinny pants

Trainers may be purchased in any shop and there are no requirements as to colour etc. 

6th Form

There is no formal 6th form uniform. Students are expected to wear ‘business dress’ as might be required in an office environment.

Students are to be fit for work at all times. Any additional fashion items that impinge on the safe and effective running of the school will not be allowed. Any items not listed here which the school feels are questionable will be subject to the Principal's discretion.


Every student is expected to provide the following basic items of equipment for all lessons: pencil case containing blue or black pen and a spare pen; pencil, ruler, eraser, calculator; and an appropriate bag to carry all equipment. In some subjects text books will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage.

Expensive equipment and large sums of money should not be brought into school.  Examples include:

  • mobile phones or pagers
  • radios
  • personal stereos
  • MP3 players/iPods
  • electronic games

Any of these items that are seen or used in school will be confiscated. The Academy cannot be held responsible for the loss of students' property which is brought on site against the advice and rules of the school.

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