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VEX IQ Regional competition – October 2019

7th Oct 2019

On Saturday October 5, we hosted the first VEX Regional Tournament of this year’s National competition. It was organised and run by our 6th form students who did an outstanding job of umpiring and judging the 26 teams from all over north London.

The tournament was hard fought and all the teams worked hard to secure the nationals places we were offering.

Something Simple won the Design Award! Congratulations to Yi Ping 9MB, Anda  and Sheeba 9EO for their hard work, engineering design and an excellent presentation.

A.T.O.R.E. won the Robot Skills Award, with great driver skills and excellent autonomous programming skills.

Congratulations to Loqmane and Nathan 9ST and Gabriele 9JA

Our other two teams were knocked out in the finals.

Mitchell Kingsland also received the Volunteer of the year award for his work in planning, setting up and running our last four robotics events.

Our other volunteers were

Eric Palushi 12DK Running Skills

Umar Raja 12DK Umpiring

Klaudi Lushi 12MA Scoring and Judging

Erlind Caushi 10OG Umpiring

Our teams all came away having learnt a great deal, with a lot of ideas on how to improve their robots, driver skills and programming.

Other schools taking part tweeted their thanks for the competition throughout the weekend.


·18hWe had great start of the season @Greig_City ! Congratulations to all who won awards.


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