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And now for some Year 11 shout outs

5th May 2020

Keep up the good work, Year 11!


Preslava and Steisi have completed every task I have set and redrafted work. Steisi has also completed pre-A-Level work. Ms Simpson


Aleksandra, Jason and Erica for history work. Ms Brown


11S4 - Elizabeth, Joan, and Plamedy

11S1 - Brianna, Tuana, Dijle, Lyonelle, Chanel, Dennis, Rishon, Fatlum, Leo,  Elisey, Abigail and Steisi - for completing science homework. Ms Angeline


Britney S, Erlind and TJ have all been making a very good effort in Maths. Ms Cholij​

Vasco - He has been amazing! He has completed every task that has been set (it has been one for every lesson that he would have had if he has been in school) and has taken photos of all of it and emailed it to me. What an amazing effort and he deserves a whole lot praise for it! Mr Mahadevan​

Excellent effort and work in Spanish: Saleem, Leo, Anita and Kyeshia. Ms Diehl​

A massive mention to Nadir in my GCSE class. He has been working really hard on his personal artwork and portfolio in preparation for A Level. Mr Chorley

Shout out to Paula, Jennifer, Plamedy, Saleem and Mark. Super determined to complete their exam practice questions, handed in on time and always asking for regular feedback.Ms Fraser

I am absolutely amazed by Sheamus and TJ. Great effort from them both. Ms Takacs​

Vasilka has really impressed me - not only has she kept up with sending through exam answers but also showcased her determination and ambition to improve them and get the next grade up. Good for her! Ms Curley​

Alvira - she has completed all Spanish assignment so far and achieved good scores. She also regularly goes to the vocab learning websites. Ms Karmann​

Saleem and Leo - well done. Ms Kemenc

Erica - She has completed all assignments set on Teams so far - great effort! Ms Karmann​

Vasilka, Rajmund, Emanuel and Furkan have been excellent for me and have handed in the coursework the class was asked to submit. Well done guys. Well done to the majority of Set 1 students who have completed the questionnaire - it has been good to get so many detailed, thoughtful responses. Ms Graham

Tiffany and Yu Feng made an excellent effort in maths last week. Some good work also from TJ, Azhar, Erlind, Abigail, Steisi, Arnas and Rhema. Ms Cholij​

Kyeshia! Top work, really beautifully written up. Mr Albrecht

Vasco once again has been outstanding. He has completed all the work set on the day it is set and in emailing me photos of his work. Really impressive. Mr Mahadevan.


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